ABC - Association pour la transition Bas Carbone

The Association for the Low Carbon Transition (ABC) – formerly the Carbon Footprint Association – was created in 2011 by ADEME and the APCC, to support and disseminate the Carbon® Footprint methodology. 

It provides organizations and citizens with tools and methods to succeed in defining and implementing their decarbonization strategy. The ABC brings together more than 400 organizations committed to the climate and leads a community of actors around the challenges of the low-carbon transition and more particularly carbon accounting

The association, through its missions, wishes to mobilize and train as many actors as possible (organizations and citizens) on the issues related to the fight against climate change.

Contact :

Date modified : 2024-10-30

Year of creation : 2011

Date added : 2024-09-24

Adress :
adress for the map