Ada Lovelace Institute

The Ada Lovelace Institute is an independent research institute with a mission to make data and AI work for people and society. They are working to create a shared vision of a world where AI and data are mobilised for good, to ensure that technology improves people’s lives. 

They take a sociotechnical, evidence-based approach and use deliberative methods to convene and centre diverse voices. They do this to identify the ways that data and AI reorder power in society, and to highlight tensions between emerging technologies and societal benefit. How they work? They use a range of methodologies to document, interrogate and understand the design and deployment of data and AI technologies, and to assess their benefits and harms. 

These include: 

- expert working groups and roundtables

- public attitudes research 

- deliberative methodologies with people affected by emerging technologies, such as citizen juries and mini-publics 

- ethnographic studies of data and AI technologies in use or development

- litnographic studies of data and AI technologies in use or development

- global comparative research, examining policies and practices across countries 

-  horizon scanning and futures work - research partnerships with researchers and technology developers. 

They have six strategic goals that focus their activities on enabling positive applications of data and AI. These support wellbeing, justice and equity in human society, and create a sustainable future vision for emerging technologies

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Date modified : 2024-10-30

Year of creation : 2018

Date added : 2024-10-11