Announced by the President of the Republic at the National Conference of Territories in 2017 and created by the law of 22 July 2019, the National Agency for Territorial Cohesion (ANCT) was set up on 1 January 2020. Born from the merger of the General Commission for Territorial Equality, Epareca and the Digital Agency, the ANCT is a partner for local authorities.
Its creation marks a profound transformation of the State's action: an action that is now more in line with local authorities to make their territorial projects a success.
Its missions: The National Agency for Territorial Cohesion first and foremost plays the role of a "project factory" to enable local authorities to carry out their projects.
Its programs: The Digital Society Programme implements the Government's action plan for digital inclusion. Its objective is to enable all French men and women to access their rights and information, to benefit from the opportunities offered by digital technology by preparing them for new skills and new professions, but also by giving them the first keys to being enlightened citizens in the digital society. The Programme mobilizes a very broad coalition of public and private actors, working in public and social action, technology, digital and maker culture, popular education, etc.
Thus, since 2018 and based on the needs identified during the development of the National Strategy for an Inclusive Digital Sector, the Programme has been working to:
- Support them towards digital autonomy and appropriation;
- Guarantee human support by giving caregivers the means to bridge the gap between digitised administrative procedures and users
- Offer the French people support pathways;
- Support the initiatives of local authorities and actors in the field.
The ANCT has also created the "Conseiller Numérique" ("Digital Advisor" in english) scheme, whose role is to support citizens and managers of small structures (associations, VSEs, SMEs, etc.) in their approach and towards digital autonomy.
Date modified : 2024-11-04
Year of creation : 2018
Date added : 2024-09-24