Launched in 2019, the Humanlab of APAJH 44 is a digital manufacturing workshop specialising in the creation of objects adapted for people with disabilities, particularly on everyday rehabilitation objects (key guide, straw holder, adapted cutlery, electric wheelchair joystick).
The Humanlab workshop is open to all: people with or without disabilities, professionals, students, retirees, volunteers, family caregivers, etc. The Humanlab has 3 3D printers, a 3D scanner and all the tools for prototyping suitable objects.
- Did you know that it is very difficult to find brake extensions for manual wheelchairs?
- How do you put the ticket out of the car park when a person in an electric wheelchair cannot get out of the vehicle
- How do you insert a key into the lock when you lack strength?
It is to answer all these questions that the humanlab APAJH 44 was opened: Create the specific object as a team with the person with a disability as the project manager, this in an inclusive and empowerment approach! Humalab therefore relies on technology to promote inclusion, sharing of experience and living together.
Date modified : 2024-11-04
Year of creation : 2019
Date added : 2024-09-24