Digital Poverty Alliance

The Digital Poverty Alliance is an independent charity. The DPA was previously an initiative of the Learning Foundation, launched by the Foundation, Currys plc and the Institute of Engineering and Technology in 2021. In 2024, the DPA became the public facing brand and working name of the Learning Foundation, which was founded in 2001. 

Its main focus is policy and advocacy, and bringing the community together to create the social change needed to end digital poverty by 2030. Its aim is to convene, compel and inspire collaboration for the UK community to lead sustainable action against digital poverty. We will do this through four key pillars of work

 - Unifying the community of organisations working in this space to build solutions 

- Being evidence-based and using behavioural science and research to create impact 

- Advocating for action to tackle digital poverty at all levels – government to public 

- Running proof of concept projects to innovate where there are gaps.

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Date modified : 2024-11-04

Date added : 2024-10-11