The Interministerial Digital Directorate (DINUM) is in charge of the digital transformation of the State for the benefit of both citizens and agents, in all its aspects: modernisation of the State's information system, quality of digital public services, creation of innovative services for citizens, digital collaborative work tools for agents, etc. 

Since 2019, it has been piloting, with the support of the ministries, the TECH program. Acceleration of the digital transformation of the public service. This programme responds to six challenges – simplification, inclusion, attractiveness, control, savings, alliances – which must mobilise all stakeholders in a quality public service, namely the State, local authorities and their operators.

As part of this programme, the DINUM has set up an interministerial eco-responsible digital mission (MiNumEco): through it, it is committed to the ministries to enable administrations to be part of the sustainable approach to responsible digital technology, in particular to promote responsible digital purchasing. 

The DINUM is a service of the Prime Minister, placed under the authority of the Minister of Transformation and the Public Service.

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Date modified : 2024-10-23

Year of creation : 2019

Date added : 2024-09-24