Évaléco is an association under the law of 1901 founded in February 2009.
The association's purpose is to educate individuals for adults and children as well as to legal entities: education for sustainable development and support for the ecological transition through:
- Raising awareness
- training, including for local elected officials and local government departments
- the realization of shared diagnosis of practices, for natural or legal persons and organizations, including institutional ones,
- the production of goods and services with a social utility and meeting public policy objectives in terms of social and environmental cohesion The SudLab Digital Spaces are non-profit organizations that carry out a mission of general interest to support uses and innovations.
They are resource centres for the territories and spaces for experimentation facilitating the mastery and creation of new uses. They are aimed at all audiences with a view to reducing the digital divide and are part of a socio-economic, cultural and sustainable dynamic.
Date modified : 2024-10-23
Year of creation : 2009
Date added : 2024-09-24