Fabulerie (La)

Since 2010, La Fabulerie, a digital factory and cultural third place, has been bringing to life innovative projects that try to open up knowledge to as many people as possible, stimulate imaginations and decipher this world in the digital regime, in order to better prepare the new generations to be its driving forces. 

Since 2010, La Fabulerie has been developing digital programs and creations for professionals and the general public dedicated to the enhancement of heritage collections, scientific and educational knowledge in a fun and experiential way. It also accompanies, through participatory design methods, so-called intermediary professionals (culture/heritage, social and education) in the creation of new modes of mediation, at the crossroads of sensory experience and digital (from the idea to the full-scale deployment). 

Since 2014, La Fabulerie has also been a cultural and digital third place in Marseille, housing a coworking space, a chef's canteen and a cultural and digital program offering creative, cultural and festive experiences for all ages (amateur practice workshop, cooking, dance, conferences, games, dances...)! And since 2021, the Fabulerie has had a little sister in the countryside: the Fabulerie en Herbe, in Saint-Etienne-Vallée-Française in the Cévennes!

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Date modified : 2024-10-23

Year of creation : 2010

Date added : 2024-09-24