
Together, let's rewrite the codes For a responsible and inclusive digital world Women are missing in digital technology! Femmes@Numérique works with all stakeholders – public, private, associative, educational – to support initiatives and impact projects aimed at promoting women's access to jobs and responsibilities in the digital ecosystem

They believe in collective action to change scale and intend to act with all stakeholders so that by 2030, women make up 50% of the workforce in digital professions. To avoid waiting until 2070 for parity in the digital sector, Femmes@Numérique proposes collaboration with various partners, in particular at the national level, creating projects including associations, schools, companies and institutions. 

A long-term commitment is crucial to improve women's access to digital training and careers, in order to increase their representation in the digital economy in a meaningful and sustainable way. 

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Date modified : 2024-11-04

Year of creation : 2018

Date added : 2024-09-24