Since 2016, The Green Room has been working to support environmental and societal change within the music, performing arts and culture sector in general. Placing the environmental issue as its core business, The Green Room develops strategies, conducts contextualized studies and co-creates solutions to mitigate the environmental impact of cultural professionals, by rethinking our practices together.
Working with musicians and associated technicians, The Green Room sets up low-carbon tours, carries out assessments, awareness-raising actions, training and operational studies on artistic practices and environmental issues. The association is also regularly invited to trade fairs and events in France and abroad to participate in conferences and present its work.
The Green Room is an association under the law of 1901, member of the Tandem for Culture, RMAN (Réseau des Musiques Actuelles de Normandie), REEVE (Réseau Eco-Evénement) and Arviva networks. They are also signatories of the Responsible Digital Charter (2020) and "Music Declares Emergency" since their creation. The association receives support from the Normandy Region, the National Music Centre and the European Union (Erasmus + program)
Date modified : 2024-10-29
Year of creation : 2016
Date added : 2024-09-24