Race Against Waste

Race Against Waste engages young generations to get started with sustainability. Through educational action campaigns, children from more than 600 elementary school in the Netherlands, Germany and France learn about the circular economy and energy conservation every year  

Race Against Waste has three projects: the E-waste Race, the Textile Race and the Energy Race. During these projects, children learn about the impact of our consumption behavior and energy consumption on people and the environment. But much more importantly, they learn what you can do about it!

During a race, different school teams compete against each other to make as much impact as possible. The teams receive points for carrying out repairs, organizing swaps, energy saving actions and collecting items for reuse and recycling. To score as many points as possible, campaigning takes place in their neighborhoods and involves parents, neighbors and family in the race. With the points earned, kids can win a cool field trip. In this way, Race Against Waste makes contributing to a more beautiful world fun, educational and easy!

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Date modified : 2024-10-30

Date added : 2024-10-11

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