Revamp-it is a self-financed non-profit association registered in the commercial register. It gladly accepts any computer equipment in order to make it functional again. It argues ...
- Functional recycling of used equipment
- Better use of energy and raw materials
- Access to computer technologies even for those without prior knowledge and with small budgets
- The Linux operating system and free software such as Firefox or Libreoffice It offers ...
- Repair of your defective devices on order.
- Sale of computers, spare parts, and consumables at moderate prices.
- Installation and configuration of Linux and free software.
- Workshops for private users, companies and institutions
- Advice even for complex systems with network, server, backup, firewall, etc.
- Migration to Linux with employee training.
- Preparation and/or creation of your own website
- Internet solutions for accounting, stock management, customer management or webshop.
- Custom software development.
- Know-how and experience.
- Events and internships for interested or passionate people.
It gladly accepts donations, large and small, to support its work.
Date modified : 2024-10-30
Date added : 2024-10-11