
SystExt (for "Extractive Systems and Environments") is an association under the law of 1901, created in 2009 from the desire to see groups of professionals emerge within Engineers Without Borders (ISF) France1, capable of questioning their profession through a critical practice of the engineer's approach. 

Two mining geological engineers, witnesses to the excesses of their professional environment, have therefore created a group dedicated to mining issues and their interactions with their human, social and environmental environments and political ones. It is not a question of questioning technology in isolation but of rethinking it in its environments. The association is made up of active professionals, who volunteer in the SystExt. 

All of them have a common interest in mining systems and the skills to appropriate the associated technical issues. Initially made up of geological and mining engineers, the association is open to all and now has members from other disciplines as well. The fact that the group has field skills in fields as varied as geology, mining engineering, environmental policies, agronomy or sociology, allows us to question the mineral sectors, globally and independently. We focus on industry mineral health and its human, health, social and environmental impacts

SystExt is the only association in metropolitan France whose investment is exclusively for the mineral resources. Its second specificity lies in the fact that its members are professionals in the sector, or confronted with this sector in the exercise of their profession, giving them relevance and legitimacy in their analyses

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Date modified : 2024-10-29

Year of creation : 2009

Date added : 2024-09-24