Tech(nically) Politics

Tech(nically) Politics was started by two teens who believe in the power of youth storytelling. The movement collects video tech stories from teens in order to push forward legislation on Big Tech companies. 

The Plan 1. Collect video and audio testimonials from young people around the country. These testimonials will include people’s own experiences with online platforms and a strong demand for how they think the regulation of these platforms should change to promote the well-being of their still-developing users. 

2. Tech(nically) Politics compiles these testimonials into episodes based on geographic region and/or issues addressed

3. These episodes are sent to lawmakers from the local to federal levels. Publicly accessible videos and an email template tailorable to one’s specific lawmakers will allow anyone and everyone to send these powerful stories to elected officials and join the movement to push policymakers to address this important issue. 

4. The founders of Tech(nically) Politics and others who wish to continue with the movement speak to lawmakers

5. Public pressure stemming from Tech(nically) Politics and other organizations in this field will move tech regulation to the front of lawmakers’ agendas. 

Greater efforts will be made to pass and enforce laws that protect online users, leading to safer digital spaces for all.

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Date modified : 2024-10-29

Year of creation :  

Date added : 2024-10-10