The Clean Electronics Production Network

CEPN addresses complex workplace health and safety challenges in the electronics supply chain. The collaborative multi-stakeholder innovation network launched in 2016 as part of the Center for Sustainability Solutions at Green America

More than 20 member organizations make up the network, including electronics brands and suppliers, environmental NGOs, labor and worker representatives, ecolabels and representatives from academia and government agencies. 

CEPN members commit to working together in the service of a shared goal of moving toward zero exposure of workers to toxic process chemicals in electronics manufacturing

CEPN seeks to align, integrate, support and partner with new and existing electronics industry chemical management leadership programs and other supporting programs using the power of collaboration to protect workers, maintain leadership role and reduce redundancies and duplication for electronics companies.

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Date modified : 2024-10-29

Year of creation : 2016

Date added : 2024-10-10